I did a doodling workshop last Friday. It was offered by Carolyn Ellis of Brilliance Mastery. It was creative and fun and engaging; a great way to spend a Friday. I took the workshop largely because I enjoy being creative and wanted to find ways to inject some creativity into my work life. I have read the books on this topic by Sunni Brown and Dan Roam. They have done some interesting work on injecting creativity into team collaboration and leadership skill development. It is intriguing. There is a literature on arts based leadership development. My colleague Soosan Latham has contributed to this research. The thing with doodling in the style of Ellis, Brown and Roam is that it is a bit playful. The techniques do not take themselves terribly seriously. This makes is accessible to a wide audience.
So now I need to figure out how I will use doodling. At a minimum, I will enhance my classroom presentations. I am hoping I can use some ‘live doodling’ to make classroom discussions more engaging. There is a science to support the use of blackboards and whiteboards in learning.
I will let you know how it goes!
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